

William H. Johnson

William H. Johnson moved from his native Virginia to Southern California in 1997 in search of his creative voice. As the son of an educator and grandson of a preacher he had no mentors in the family after which he could model his artistic path. Today he’s found that voice as an indie author speaking his mind through his writing. His debut novel, THE DARK PROVINCE: SON OF DUPRIN is an epic fantasy adventure where faith and religion must part ways in the mind of a deeply flawed hero. His journey to a forbidden land of iniquity forces him to question the rightful place of morality and tolerance in the realm of sexuality. William is currently working on a sequel to his debut as well as a love story set in a small desert town. This love story, a far cry from the genre of his other projects, confronts the modern definition of family and a community’s responsibility to children who are displaced and at-risk.

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